Monday, April 30, 2012

Joining the Army

If you want to join the army, here are some steps to help you join:

  • Step 1: Apply Online. You will fill out the information online about joining the army through their website. 
  • Step 2: Talk to a recruiter. After you fill out the information online, a recruiter will call you if they think you qualified to join the army. 
  • Step 3: Take the test. You will take the ASVAB test.(Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). This will help you know what your weaknesses are and what your strengths are. 
  • Step 4: Visit The doctor. You will go to visit the doctor to get a physical. After you get the physical and you passed it. You are now a U.S. soldier. 
  • Step 5: You will start basic training. Now you are on your way to becoming an Army soldier and serving  our country. 
Joining the army available at

“Its doesn't matter what way you choose to serve the country with. You can either be an active duty or an army reserve. They both serve the country, so it doesn't really matter. There is a link to show you the differences in the two. Which ever you pick will do because no matter what you will be serving the country as Amercian Soldier.”

When you get to basic training, you will get a uniform. The only other clothes you have is the ones you wore there. You can only take things like shampoo, soap, deodorant, and etc. 

You will have to start a checking account because your checks will be deposited. You don’t see any of your money until you graduate basic training. This is about twelve weeks. 

You can’t see any of your family until graduation day.  They have a big ceremony that day. After basic training is completed you then go to do your AIT. this is Advanced Individual Training. 

You can be sent anywhere in the country. This lasts about two- three months. Then you get a leave to visit your family. Before you go on leave, you will get your next orders and where you will be stationed. Sometimes it’s in another country. 

Depending on where you go will deciede when you are deployed during the war time. Most single soldiers stay on base and share rooms with other soldiers. Married soldiers can live off base with their families. No families are allowed in other countries when we are at war with them.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Welcoming Our Soldiers Home

Some Americans might not agree with our government sending soldiers to fight a war in another country. But as americans  we have the right not to agree and can voice our opinions about it.

 Some people are so mad about it that they protest at a soldiers funeral. I think that is horrible. Our soldiers  are doing their job and if they should die doing it, its honorable.

All of our soldiers should be welcomed home as heros that they are. Many soldiers come home from war with life changing injuires. Some come home in a coffin.

Little girl welcoming home her dad.*3
July 2011

The greatest thing a returning soldier can see when he steps off that plane is a cheering crowd with banners saying “welcome home” and “thank you”.

 Our soldiers need our support. It’s not their fault that some people don’t like war. Soldiers don’t like war either, but it’s thier job.

Just this week a marine was welcomed home, here in North Carolina. He lost both of his legs in a bombing in Afghanistan. He was welcomed home by lines of people on the streets to see him as he rode by. 
The news camera and newspaper reporters were there.

This is unbelievable what this town has put together for me," Carnes said. "It shows the true love they have for our service men. "This is great and everything but I wish my brothers and sisters in Afghanistan, especially those in my unit, could be here for this special day."

 It must have felt good to him to see so many people  there for him. I hope that every soldier, especially  the wounded get a welcome home like that.

There shouldn’t be people protesting the war. Some soldiers come home completely changed, physically and mentally. It would be ahrd for them to see some of the bad things of the war and not be affected by it.

 Some of my family has been soldiers and have fought for our country. They had nightmares and it took them a long time to get back to the way they were.
 God Bless our soldiers and the people that welcome them home with a thank you!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What they really do

Many people don't really know what soldiers do. People think that it's about soldiers just going into the army to serve our country, but it's more than that. 

Soldiers have to fight for their life's for ours and have to try and protect us while fighting. Serving in the army, is a tough job because soldiers go everyday without knowing if their going to die or not. 

Soldiers helping Afghan people
Apirl 9,2010.
Our soldiers go to different countries to show them how their soldiers are suppose to protect them from threats. Most people probably don't know that our soldiers help the civilians along with the countries government officials. 

This is how soldiers help others. Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light. ~Norman B. Rice

Like in Afghanistan, our American soldiers give out candy to the children. The soldiers have an important job that they have to do such as: protecting the civilians and looking for the threats to the civilians. 

Before they can do that they have to train and go to work. Being in the army is more than just a job, it's a way of life.American soldiers are going to other countries to help their civilians and their government. our soldiers help train theirs so they will be able to protect themselves once the Americans go home. 

Our soldiers help with distributing food and medical supplies. They talk with the civilians and help them in anyway they can.Sometimes there is gunfire in the streets and children may get hurt or killed. Our soldiers are there to protect them and try to get the bad guys away. Terrorists are the bad guys and they don't want the governments getting better or stronger. They are bullies and use weapons to get what they want. 

That's why American and other NATO soldiers are sent to these countries. They are there to teach how to be better countries. Everyone has the right as human beings to live in a happy and peaceful life. This is our soldiers, in these countries.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Love one in the Army

My blog is  about American Soldiers, who fight for our country. I want to write about this because I want to show my support for our soldiers and give them thanks.

I know what its like to have someone in the Army that you really love. I think that this is a really good topic to write about because I know about somethings that go on in the Army.

American Soldiers, available at
April 3,2012.
When reading my blog you will learn about how hard it is with someone in the army. Also learn about what the soldiers have to go through everyday in the Army.

It is a big sacrifice for our soldiers because they give up their lives and families to go in. It is also a big sacrifice for their families too because they have to go without seeing their love one in the Army for a long time and they don't know whats going to happen to them while they are in the Army.

When going into the Army you should think about what your doing because once you sign up, you're  in it for good. A lot of young people sign up just for the adventure, and not realizing what their getting themselves into. They don't realize that they actually have to kill people to save their own lives.

American Flag available at
April 4,2012
I never knew how important our Military was to our country, until my brother joined the Army. The soldiers give all they have for their country. I appreciate my freedom more now then I did, because I know what a big sacrifice it costs our soldiers.

Joining the Army or any other Military force is the most important job you will ever have. Your country is depending on you for all their safety, and the soldiers very own lives.

Most people do not realize how different their lives would be if they didn't have the freedom  that only America can give. Thanks to all our Military Soldiers in the United States of America.