Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Love one in the Army

My blog is  about American Soldiers, who fight for our country. I want to write about this because I want to show my support for our soldiers and give them thanks.

I know what its like to have someone in the Army that you really love. I think that this is a really good topic to write about because I know about somethings that go on in the Army.

American Soldiers, available at
April 3,2012.
When reading my blog you will learn about how hard it is with someone in the army. Also learn about what the soldiers have to go through everyday in the Army.

It is a big sacrifice for our soldiers because they give up their lives and families to go in. It is also a big sacrifice for their families too because they have to go without seeing their love one in the Army for a long time and they don't know whats going to happen to them while they are in the Army.

When going into the Army you should think about what your doing because once you sign up, you're  in it for good. A lot of young people sign up just for the adventure, and not realizing what their getting themselves into. They don't realize that they actually have to kill people to save their own lives.

American Flag available at
April 4,2012
I never knew how important our Military was to our country, until my brother joined the Army. The soldiers give all they have for their country. I appreciate my freedom more now then I did, because I know what a big sacrifice it costs our soldiers.

Joining the Army or any other Military force is the most important job you will ever have. Your country is depending on you for all their safety, and the soldiers very own lives.

Most people do not realize how different their lives would be if they didn't have the freedom  that only America can give. Thanks to all our Military Soldiers in the United States of America.


  1. I like what your blog is about,I have an uncle who has served overseas twice. You need to check your grammar at this one part I noticed "When going into the Army you should think about what your doing because once you sign up, your in it for good." You used the wrong your. :) Hope I helped!

  2. This is a great post. I like how you chose this to support and give thanks to the soldiers. However, you need to start some of your paragraphs in a different way.

  3. Hannah I completely love this post! I'm a huge supporter of the Armed Forces and plan on enlisting in the Army when I'm done with high school. You are right about people needing to think before they enlist no one really understands the circumstances. All in all this is a really good blog! What does your brother do in the Army and is he still enlisted if you don't mind me asking?

  4. I know how you feel Hannah. Two of my nephews are serving right now. Your comment section font is very difficult to read. I'd love to be able to respond to your readers.

  5. I really like your post. My cousin is serving right now. I think you chose a great thing to blog about. :)

  6. I think the post is great and it expresses the importance of our armed troops.

  7. Wonderful topic. Amazing blog too. I will be sure to check into your blog, and nice choice of your background.
