Monday, April 23, 2012

Welcoming Our Soldiers Home

Some Americans might not agree with our government sending soldiers to fight a war in another country. But as americans  we have the right not to agree and can voice our opinions about it.

 Some people are so mad about it that they protest at a soldiers funeral. I think that is horrible. Our soldiers  are doing their job and if they should die doing it, its honorable.

All of our soldiers should be welcomed home as heros that they are. Many soldiers come home from war with life changing injuires. Some come home in a coffin.

Little girl welcoming home her dad.*3
July 2011

The greatest thing a returning soldier can see when he steps off that plane is a cheering crowd with banners saying “welcome home” and “thank you”.

 Our soldiers need our support. It’s not their fault that some people don’t like war. Soldiers don’t like war either, but it’s thier job.

Just this week a marine was welcomed home, here in North Carolina. He lost both of his legs in a bombing in Afghanistan. He was welcomed home by lines of people on the streets to see him as he rode by. 
The news camera and newspaper reporters were there.

This is unbelievable what this town has put together for me," Carnes said. "It shows the true love they have for our service men. "This is great and everything but I wish my brothers and sisters in Afghanistan, especially those in my unit, could be here for this special day."

 It must have felt good to him to see so many people  there for him. I hope that every soldier, especially  the wounded get a welcome home like that.

There shouldn’t be people protesting the war. Some soldiers come home completely changed, physically and mentally. It would be ahrd for them to see some of the bad things of the war and not be affected by it.

 Some of my family has been soldiers and have fought for our country. They had nightmares and it took them a long time to get back to the way they were.
 God Bless our soldiers and the people that welcome them home with a thank you!!


  1. Amazing post, the only thing I found that was off was that you started a sentence with the word "but". That is incorrect sentence structure but easy to fix.

  2. Wonderful post!!! There are a few grammar errors, but other than that good post!

  3. Good post but make sure your quote is block quoted. Also you had a few grammar errors but other than those few mistakes you did good.

  4. This is an Amazing post that you have chosen to do. Their were some errors of grammar but your blog post is good.

  5. I love the topic you choose to write about. I understood first hand everything you were talking about. There were some weird sounding grammar errors that need to be fixed to only make it better but other then that, it was really good.

  6. I love this post it is a good post and it gets you thinking about life. It gets you thinking about who is fighting for you out in the world and how thankful people should be for there life's. It shows you people should appreciate the people in the service for us. Thank you for sharing this with everyone.
