Friday, May 25, 2012

My Brother

My brother Curtis Jenkins is in the army. He has been serving in the army for almost two years. He signed up for six years. He works on helicopters. He is in Afghanistan right now. It is really hard to have someone you really love in the army because you don’t know if they will die or not. Every day he has to risk his life fighting for our country. He has to be brave in order to fight in the army. He doesn’t like going to other countries because they are very different than America. They don’t have most of the stuff that we have over here. When he gets out of the army, he wants to maybe work on airplanes at the airport. Being the army is a very big job. You have to wake up every morning and go outside to fight for your own life trying to save our country’s life. He graduated basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. But while in the army, if you want to go to college the army will pay for it and you won’t have to pay anything. He gets to come home for two weeks in June. I am so excited to get to see him. I haven’t seen him since January. We hope that he stays safe over there in Afghanistan.  When he comes home we are going to do something fun. He has to go and see everyone that wants to see him. I hope that on his flight over here he is safe and on the way back. If you have someone in the army, then you know how it feels to not see someone you love for a long time.  We love him so much and wish to keep him safe during the four years that he has left.
soldiers in afghanistan

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Army vs The Marine Corps

US Army available at
The U.S army and U.S Marine Corps are two different services. The Marine Corps are trained to attack from and in water. 

The Marine Corps protects America overseas with safety and security. The army is a ground base military force. It is much larger than the Marine Corps. 

In the Army, "you will be prepared to serve our country whenever and wherever you are needed, combat-ready at all times, trained to counter any threat, anywhere."

Both the army and the Marine Corps have reserve troops. The army has medical people that help them with the medicine and other supplies they need. 

US Marine Corps
available at
The Marine Corps don’t have medical people; they have to get all their supplies from the navy. The U.S Marine Corps is the smallest military force of all the forces and the Army is the biggest of them all. 

Both Marine Corps and the Army have boot camps. The Marine Corps boot camp is much longer than the army’s boot camp.

 When going into the army, you have to have your head has to have a flat top look and when going into the Marine Corps, your head has  to be shaved all the way. 

The uniforms that the army wear has to be wore all the time, no matter what. The uniforms the Marine Corps wear only have to be wore when they are working or during training. 
Marine Corps available at

The army is a heavy equipped force and the marine corps is a less equipped force. When going into battles the Marine corps are always suppose to go in first then the army and the other military forces. Both the army and the marine corps goes by military time. 

Army available at

The Marine Corps was formed on November 10, 1775. The Army was formed on June 14,1775. The Marine Corps is the fastest to respond to something out of all the military forces. They are both very different. You should look and see which one is the best for you before you join it. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Interview with an 82nd Airborne Veteran

  • What kind of Armed   forces did  you join?

            82nd Airborne United States Army.

  • What made you want to join the army?

        I wanted to join the Armed Military Forces  to show pride in my country, to finish my education, and to travel around the world.
  • How old were you when you went into the army?
     I was 17 years old when I joined the Army
Man jumping out of plane available at
  • How many years did you sign up for?
  I enlisted  for a three year tour.
  • Where did you go for Basic training  and AIT?(Advanced Individual Training).
I went to Fort Mcellan ,Alabama for Basic training and Fort Lee, Virginia  for AIT.
  • How did you qualify for 82nd Airborne?
I went to jump school and graduated at Fort Benning, Georgia.
  • What was your permanent duty station?
I was stationed at Fort Bragg, North  Carolina.
82nd Airborne available at

  • Where did you travel to when you were in the Army?
I traveled to Peurto Rico, Panama, and Honduras.
  • What was your job title and what did you do?
Petroleum supply speciliast. Built fuel systems, learned how to work on Alaskan pipe lines and refuel choppers.
  • What weapons were you qualified to use?
I was qualified as an expert in using an m16, 45 cal. handgun, m60 machine gun,  grenade launcher, and a m2a law rocket launcher.

Friday, May 4, 2012

About the Army

The army is about people who go into service to serve our country. They risk their own lives to save ours. It’s a very dependable job, its not like a regular job. 

You can’t  just do your eight hours or so and go home. You can’t get mad and quit. When you sign up for the Army or any other military force, it’s a big commitment. 

The seven army values available at
There are a lot of advantages in being in the Army. You can see other  countries and things you never thought you would see. You meet people from all over the country. 

You make friends that you would consider your brothers and sisters. You can get a college education for free.

When you enlist in the army, you will have to live by the seven Army values, which are: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless service, Honor, Intergrity, and Personal courage.By doing all these things, you will prove that you are apart of the United States Army.

Seven values of army  available at

  • Loyalty-  As a American soldier you are seen as a loyal person toward the untied states of america.
  • Duty- you are responisble for the people of the united states and to fulfill your jobs as part of the army.
  • Respect- you as a american soldier have to treat others with respect and dignity.
  • Selfless service- you will serve others with welfare of the nation and not just yourself.
  • Honor-  you will honor all the things you do as a soldier of the united states.
  • Integrity- Do whats right and not whats wrong.
  • Personal courage- The courage that is inside you. The courage that you build by making the right decisions and standing up to others.

Army available at
Here is a song that goes along with the Seven Army values.
"The Army Goes Rolling Along"

March along, sing our song, with the Army of the free.
Count the brave, count the true, who have fought to victory.
We’re the Army and proud of our name!
We’re the Army and proudly proclaim:

First Chorus:

First to fight for the right,
And to build the Nation’s might,
And the Army goes rolling along.
Proud of all we have done,
Fighting till the battle’s won,
And the Army goes rolling along.


Then it’s hi! hi! hey!
The Army’s on its way.
Count off the cadence loud and strong;
For where’er we go,
You will always know
That the Army goes rolling along.

Second Chorus:

Valley Forge, Custer’s ranks,
San Juan Hill and Patton’s tanks,
And the Army went rolling along.
Minute men, from the start,
Always fighting from the heart,
And the Army keeps rolling along.

Soldier avaiable at


(same as above)

Third Chorus:

(slower, more freely)
Men in rags, men who froze,
Still that Army met its foes,
And the Army went rolling along.
Faith in God, then we’re right,
And we’ll fight with all our might,
As the Army keeps rolling along.


Then it’s hi! hi! hey!
The Army’s on its way.
Count off the cadence loud and strong; (two! three!)
For where’er we go,
You will always know
That the Army goes rolling along! (keep it rolling!)
And the Army goes rolling along!