Friday, May 25, 2012

My Brother

My brother Curtis Jenkins is in the army. He has been serving in the army for almost two years. He signed up for six years. He works on helicopters. He is in Afghanistan right now. It is really hard to have someone you really love in the army because you don’t know if they will die or not. Every day he has to risk his life fighting for our country. He has to be brave in order to fight in the army. He doesn’t like going to other countries because they are very different than America. They don’t have most of the stuff that we have over here. When he gets out of the army, he wants to maybe work on airplanes at the airport. Being the army is a very big job. You have to wake up every morning and go outside to fight for your own life trying to save our country’s life. He graduated basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. But while in the army, if you want to go to college the army will pay for it and you won’t have to pay anything. He gets to come home for two weeks in June. I am so excited to get to see him. I haven’t seen him since January. We hope that he stays safe over there in Afghanistan.  When he comes home we are going to do something fun. He has to go and see everyone that wants to see him. I hope that on his flight over here he is safe and on the way back. If you have someone in the army, then you know how it feels to not see someone you love for a long time.  We love him so much and wish to keep him safe during the four years that he has left.
soldiers in afghanistan

1 comment:

  1. Formatting.
    I know you are proud of your brother. I'm so proud of my nephews who are military. Props to him.
